
by Superintendencia de Bancos de República Dominicana



ProUsuario Digital is a tool developed by the Superintendency of Banks of the Dominican Republic that allows you to know the status of your financial products easily and quickly. Through this application you have access to: Credit consultation, Inactive or abandoned accounts, Deposits entities in liquidation, Claims, Complaints and Reports.In the Credit Consultation you will see a personalized report of your credits in the national financial system, in a consolidated way and by type. In addition, it includes financial indicators and the credit risk rating that you have in the financial system; as reported to the Superintendency of Banks by the financial intermediation entities that make up said system.Note: this report is not a replacement for the one issued by the Credit Information Societies (credit bureaus), it does not include a credit score and does not guarantee that you will benefit from a credit from the information presented.Some information that you do not recognize? If you find any inconsistency in the data of any of your credits, you should contact the financial institution and make a claim to request that the information be corrected.